如何给BOA添加安全密钥-Bank of America USB Security Key Experience



步骤1: 登录您的帐户后,选择“个人资料”>“设置”->“管理安全通”。

Step 1: After logging into your account, select Profile & Settings -> Manage SafePass.

(注意,此处有同学反馈菜单已经更新,”Manage SafePass”菜单已经移走,应该是到”Security Center”里面了,请同学们自行验证)

步骤2:点击 添加 按钮从安全中心页面。

Step 2: Click Add button from the Security Center page.

步骤3: 当您单击“发送代码”按钮时,将通过短信或呼叫手机向您发送授权代码。

Step 3: You will be sent Authorization Code via Text Message or Call to your phone when you click SEND CODE button.


步骤4: 输入授权码和借记PIN码,然后单击“提交”。

Step 4: Enter Authorization Code and Debit PIN then click SUBMIT.

步骤5:点击 OK 到安全密钥设置弹出窗口。

Step 5: Click OK to Security key setup popup..


Step 6: Click OK to allow Bank of America to see make and model of your security key.


Step 7: Insert your security key and then touch the security key.


Step 8: If successful, you will see the message that shows security key is successfully added.


Step 9: Logout of your account and then log back in. When you try to log back in, it will ask you to touch your security key to verify you are the owner of the account.


美国银行(Bank Of America)绑定安全密钥(USB Security KEY)教程。
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